Monday, May 18, 2020
My First Semester At The University Of Southern Indiana
From the lustful feeling consumed within my soul I gained by writing obstructed by the overbearing slaughter of never being good enough, reality struck. I knew I needed to find an English class that would be able to help me overcome my life long writing obstacles and that is exactly what English 100 did for me. Ever since a young age, English has never been my strong point. The most common errors I seemed to struggle with consisted of grammar, putting my thoughts into words, and knowing the difference between nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Honestly, English before college seemed pointless and monotone, there wasn t a class i hated more. I never thought I would be able to overcome the predicament outlook that college held over me. Now, after surviving my first semester at the University of Southern Indiana I have procured new adroitness within my English class. A small list of the aspects I have accomplished from English 100 are: constructing a strong thesis statement, what makes a pap er good or bad, correctly using punctuation, transitions, and clearly describing objects to create a vivid image. Thanks to beginning a new school year about 200 miles away from everything I once knew, I quickly clung onto the proposition of taking everything more seriously. For starters, I began to touch up my writing skills and pay close attention to everything English class had to offer me. I first assimilated that in order to assemble an appropriate paper, one must know how to write aShow MoreRelatedMy Goals And Long Term Goals929 Words  | 4 Pagesof nursing. I now have many short term and long term goals I would like to accomplish. One of my short term goals is to finish and complete my Bachelor of Science in Nursing through Indiana University. My second short term goal would be to become certified in emergency nursing. 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